I love my friends.  They always know the right things to say to make everything better.  And for some reason, I actually don’t have a lot of pictures with them. Which surprises me.  So until I get them, here are some that I treasure greatly.

From left to right, Jeff, Melissa, and Derek. (Well, then me. ) Now I know they are family, (One is husband), but still, we are pretty much always together and I treasure all the moments we have together. This is us at the Kiss Concert and it was seriously amazing. Everything about it. The atmosphere, being with my favorite people……… It made the night one I’ll treasure forever.  But really, I  probably feel like this every time we get together.



And there’s Bree. She cracks me up like crazy and is a very giving person. It’s actually pretty refreshing to be friends with someone that will call your crap if you do something and vice versa without being offended.  Its difficult meeting people like that. Or if you have a disagreement they don’t want to work things out and write you off forever. When we started being friends, I made it very clear that I’m  not playing those games. I’m tired of friendships where people are too lazy to put in any actual effort.


It’s like any relationship. They don’t come flawlessly. You have to make an effort if you are truly going to make it work.

And my other friends……..Jeff, Erica, other Jeff, Jen, Heather, Jenny…..and others………..

I love you.